Edraianthus graminifolius
Brand: Jelitto
Packaged:0,02 g
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Grassy Bells (kitaibelii) - Edraianthus graminifolius (L.) A. dc = Edraianthus caricinus Schott, Nyman & Kotschy = Edraianthus croaticus (A.Kern.) A.Kern. = Edraianthus kitaibelii (Waldst. & Kit.) A.DC.
​Homeland: Italy, Balkan Peninsula, southeastern regions of the Carpathians.
The flowers are collected in bunches. Narrow linear dark green leaves 6-10 cm long form dense tufts. The stems are creeping, up to 15 cm in length, growing in all directions, arranged in a circle, with ascending ends. Umbrellas consist of three to seven blue-violet bell-shaped flowers. The ends of the petals are curved back. Blooms in June-August. Grows easily in a sunny location with a limestone substrate. Due to the way the stems grow, the plant needs to be given more space. Winter-hardy with good drainage.
Location: preferably sunny, but tolerate light partial shade. For planting, choose a place between stones or a retaining wall, and in such a way that you do not have to replant the plants, especially adult plants, which cannot be replanted at all: the long tap root can be damaged.
Soil: first of all, good drainage should be ensured. The soil should be rocky, mixed with lime and rich in humus. Drought-resistant, does not tolerate waterlogging. They suffer from prolonged autumn rains and accumulation of melt water in winter and spring.
Reproduction: by seeds in February, root cuttings and dividing the bush in spring. Under favorable conditions, self-seeding occurs. In spring, cuttings take root easily. When grown from seeds, cold stratification is required for 1-2 months. Seedlings are capricious. They require moderate, even watering and good lighting. Flowering occurs in 2-3 years.
Use: to decorate rocky slides.
Winter hardiness zones: Z4 - Z9.
Flowering plant height: 10 cm.
1.0 g = 2520-2600 seeds.

Edraianthus kitaibelii, Kõrrelislehine kimpkellukas

Kimpkellukas, Noviisinkukat, Gräsklocka, Edraianthus graminifolius, Kitaibelii, Эдрайантус злаколистный

Eng.: Grassy bells. Bot. syn.: Campanula graminifolia L., Edraianthus caricinus Schott., Edraianthus croaticus (A.Kern.), Edraianthus kitaibelii.

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